As for the frame colors of single matted collage frames go you have the following choices
- deluxe black
- basic black
- ornate gold
- ornate light gold
- ornate black
Some of the mat colors that go with these frames are
- stonehenge
- digital white
- raven
- off white
For a location of relaxation and informal setting collages with single may without frames look more appealing than those with frames.
The collage can be mounted on a rigid foam board without a frame.
The mat color could contrast or resonate with the wall shade depending on the required mood you want to create.
You just need to go for a
- plain white mat with antique gold
- dusty rose
- washed blue
- light oak
- dark oak
- matte black
- dark oak
- cherry
- light oak
- deluxe silver
- deluxe gold
- deluxe white
- deluxe mahogany
- deluxe fruitwood frames
There are modern glass collage frames hanging from a bar by sturdy cable wire. You can avoid the trouble of choosing a mat by just mounting the pictures on the glass frame.
The shade of the wall serves as the choicest mat. For monochrome collages we could choose the same color mat. For black and white images black mat suits well.