How To Fix A Shower Head That’s Too Low

If your shower head is too low, you’re not getting the most out of your shower. Probably you had someone fix it, and after a few days, you discover that your luxury shower head is too low. That shouldn’t worry you since you came to the right place. Thankfully, it’s a problem that can be easily fixed! This step guide will discuss every step you need to fix a shower head too low and get the perfect shower experience. Let’s get started!

What Lead To A Low Shower Head?

Several reasons can cause a shower head to go below. Here are some of the primary reasons your it’s is too low.

Improper Installation

One of the significant reasons the shower head is too low is improper installation. This can result from the shower arm not being adequately secured to the shower pipe. Also, if the shower arm is too short or improper use of the wall mount holder, it will result in a low shower head.

Wrong Angle Of The Shower Arm

Another reason that can cause a shower head to be too low is the wrong angle of the arm. If the shower arm is at a wrong angle, it will cause it or slide bar to be lower than usual. You need to adjust the shower arm to the right angle to fix this problem.

Shower Pipe Is Too Short

If your shower pipe is too short, it will also cause your shower head to be too low. The shower pipe is too short because the involved party didn’t install it properly in most cases.

Clogged Shower Head

A clogged shower head can also lead to a low shower head. If it is clogged, it will restrict the water flow, and as a result, the head will be too low.

How To Fix A Low Shower Head

shower head too low

Now that we know some of the significant reasons shower head is low, let’s look at how to fix it.

Replace The Shower Arm

The first thing you need to do is remove the old shower arm. To do this, unscrew the retaining nut that holds it in place using a wrench. Once the nut is loose, you should be able to pull the arm out easily.

Next, take your new shower arm and thread it into the retaining nut. Next, tighten it securely in place using the wrench. Finally, please turn on the water and test your new shower arm to ensure it is working correctly. If everything is functioning correctly, you should now have a brand-new shower arm that is high and will provide you with years of reliable use!

Install A Shower Arm Extension

If your shower head is too low, you may be able to fix the problem by installing an arm extension. This relatively simple fix that one can complete in minutes will allow you to adjust its height of your to better suit your needs.

Here’s how to do it: first, shut off the water supply to your shower. Next, remove the old shower arm by unscrewing it from the wall. Once the old arm is out, measure the length of the new extension and cut it to size if necessary. Screw the extension into place and screw on the new shower head. Finally, turn on the water supply and test out your new showerhead. If your ceiling is too low, consider various types of shower heads for low ceilings to choose which fits best.

Replace The Shower Pipe

If your shower pipe is too short, it will also cause your head to be too low. The shower pipe is too short because it wasn’t correctly installed in most cases.

To replace the shower pipe, you’ll need to shut off the water supply and remove the old shower arm. Once the arm is out, unscrew the showerhead from the pipe. Next, measure the length of the new pipe and cut it to size if necessary. Screw the new pipe and then screw on the new children’s shower head; suppose it’s for your child. Once done, you can inspect your work.

Adjust The Angle Of The Shower Arm

If the arm is at a wrong angle, it will cause the shower head to be lower than usual. You need to adjust the shower arm to the right angle to fix this problem. Use a wrench to loosen the shower arm and turn it to the right angle. If you don’t have a wrench, you can use pliers.

Clean The Shower Head

A clogged shower head can also lead to a low shower. If it is clogged, it will restrict the water flow, and as a result, it will be too low. The good news is that you can quickly fix this problem by cleaning it easily.

To clean your shower head, remove it from the shower arm and soak it in a bowl of vinegar for 30 minutes. After 30 minutes, remove the showerhead from the vinegar and use a toothbrush to scrub away any remaining buildup. Rinse off the showerhead with water and reattach it to the shower arm. Turn on the water supply and test out your newly cleaned showerhead!

Ideal Tools Needed to Fix A Shower Head That’s Too Low

You will need several tools to fix a shower head that’s too low. These tools include:

 Adjustable Shower Arm

This will allow you to adjust the arm to the right angle, which will raise the shower head. To choose the most appropriate adjustable shower arm for your needs, measure the shower arm before making a purchase. You might need to try the s shower arm too.

Shower Arm Extension

If you need to raise your shower head but don’t want to replace the existing arm, then an adjustable extension arm is a good option. You might also need a swivel ball adapter First, choose the right size extension for your shower arm and screw it into place. This applies for all shower heads.

 Pipe Cutter

You may need to use a pipe cutter if the shower pipe is too short. To use a pipe cutter, simply place it around the shower pipe and twist it until you completely cut the pipe. Be sure to wear gloves when using a pipe cutter to avoid injury.

 Adjustable Wrench

You’ll need a wrench to loosen and tighten various parts of all the showers arm during this process. Make sure to have a wrench that is the right size for the shower parts you are working with.


You’ll need vinegar to clean the shower head if it’s clogged. Simply fill a bowl with vinegar and soak it for 30 minutes. After 30 minutes, remove the showerhead and use a toothbrush to scrub away any remaining buildup. Rinse off the showerhead with hot water and reattach it to the shower wall arm. Turn on the water supply and test out your newly cleaned ‘rain shower’ showerhead!


If your shower head is too low, there are several things you can do to fix the problem. You can adjust the shower arm, replace the pipe, or clean it. With time and effort, you’ll have your shower head working like new! So, acquire the right tools and get the work started.

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